Emirates ID Format – Understand Your Unique Identification Number in UAE

Understanding the format of the Emirates ID is essential for every UAE resident, as it serves as a vital identification tool. The Emirates ID card includes a unique 15-digit identification number, which is used for government verification and official transactions. 

This number is embedded in the card’s electronic chip, which also stores personal and biometric data like the cardholder’s name, nationality, gender, and date of birth. 

Whether you’re applying for an Emirates ID, checking its status, or simply trying to understand what the numbers represent, in this guide I will walk you through the Emirates ID format, its significance, and how to locate key details.

Related Article: Is UID Number Same As Emirates ID?

Emirates ID Format - Understand Everything About UAE ID Number

What is Emirates ID Number Format?

The Emirates ID number is a unique 15-digit identifier found in the center of every Emirates ID card, formatted like this: 784-1234-1234567-1. It serves as a permanent identification number, remaining unchanged throughout your entire residency in the UAE, and cannot be transferred to another person.

Here’s a breakdown of the number’s structure:

  • 784: This represents the international code for the UAE.
  • 1234: This corresponds to the cardholder’s year of birth.
  • 1234567: A randomly generated 7-digit number for added uniqueness.
  • 1: A single-digit verification number to ensure security and validity.

This specific format helps ensure each resident or citizen has a distinct and secure identification number that is essential for various official purposes in the UAE.

What is Emirates ID Number Format

Emirates ID Number Change Possible or No?

Emirates ID numbers are permanent and cannot be changed. However, you can update other personal details, such as your mobile number or address.

It’s important to keep your information current, as UAE nationals and expatriate residents are required to report any changes in their card details to the relevant authorities within one month of the change.

For more information on updating your mobile number, you can check out my detailed guide on how to update your mobile number in the Emirates ID. Keeping your details up to date ensures that your ID remains valid for official purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is EIDA number?

The EIDA number is the unique 15-digit Emirates ID number issued by the Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA). It serves as a permanent identification number for UAE citizens and residents, allowing the government to verify personal information. This number remains the same throughout an individual’s residency in the UAE.

2. What is the identity number in UAE?

The identity number in the UAE refers to the Emirates ID number, a 15-digit code assigned to every UAE national and expatriate resident. It is a critical part of official documentation and is used for identification, verification, and accessing government services.

3. How to find the Emirates ID number?

You can find your Emirates ID number printed in the middle section of your Emirates ID card. It is a 15-digit code that starts with the digits “784,” which represent the UAE’s international code, followed by additional personal and randomly generated numbers.

4. What is IDN number UAE?

The IDN (Identity Number) in the UAE refers to the Emirates ID number. This number is assigned to individuals living in the UAE and is required for many official procedures, including residency verification, government services, and transactions.

Haris Ali
About the author

I'm Haris Ali. I am resident of United Arab Emirates. I've been working with identification documents in UAE for over 8 years. I've gained valuable experience from working with various government authorities in the region, especially with documents like the Emirates ID.

In my free time, I enjoy playing cricket and exploring new destinations around the world.

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